Monday, June 6, 2011

Charter Post

Greetings! My name Jamie and I'm writing this blog as part of my master studies at the California University of Management and Technology (CALMAT) in San Jose, CA. This blog has been specifically created as a venue to explore the topic of Project Management. Despite working in project management -- of one form or another -- for ten years, this is my first formal instruction on the topic. I'm currently working as Director of Marketing and Strategic Communication for a local university, as well as trying to launch a startup solar manufacturing company (we need preformulation seed money).
 While I don't technically need to take this class for my degree (Computer Science and Information Technology), I believe there is a great benefit to be gained from learning the project management skills set and the language of projects. I'm looking forward to refining my project management skills, learning from and discussing the project management experiences of my classmates, and generally helping to build and participate in what I hope will be a supportive and enduring community of  project management professionals. I'm also considering using this course a springboard to PMP certification through the Project Management Institute.

To get this ball rolling on this blog, I've started with a few amusing cartoon examples of project SNAFUs. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. That is funny. Keep it up! You always produce high qualify product and set high standards. Looking forward to working with you on the PM class.
